Welcome to Therapy & tea: Feel free to reach out when your relationships are a struggle or life feels overwhelming. Come and let me make you tea and tell me how I can help.

No preparation needed , sit down and experience heaps of reflection as you share your story. It may be with loved ones, family, friends or colleagues. It may be the sadness of loss or separation. It may be with a transition and time for growth. Welcome: Together you will see yourself start building your relationship “savvy” forming a new internal compass.

I can see so much possibility.


Consider a single-session appointment. You will have an appointment within

48 hours (Excluding Saturdays).

Claire Silvester RP

Registered Psychotherapist

College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (2019)

Diploma in Psychotherapy - OPC (2015-2019)

Member of OSRP

Master of Psychology; Occupational /Counselling London University (1993)

Bachelor of Psychology ; London University (1989)

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Certified Practitioner (2010)

Certified Advocate and Mediator (1999)

Fellow of the CIPD , CHRE

Certified Executive Coach, ILM level 5, London (2011-2012)

Certificate in Sex and Intimacy Therapy

Rewind Hypnotherapy Practioner

IFS & IFIO Informed through IFSCA (72 hours)

Front line personnel trained (Faculty of Medicine Toronto ECHO Program)

Coaching available on request Executive/ Career Transition/Workplace conflict specialist.


"What I have experienced in my time, is a universally and very ordinary need for relationships . Most of us feel better , are happier in healthy secure relationships. Part of my job is to help you find your way there."

Claire Silvester

The Journal of Health and Social Behavior, confirms that people expect to live longer, when they report high levels of emotional support. The association is mediated entirely by the perception that one has someone to call on when one is sick.

Individual Therapy

To begin, we schedule an appointment to meet with you and learn about the areas that impact your life. Understanding the things you feel contribute to your anxiety, low mood or difficulties, especially your triggers. We can then move onto what helps you feel less overwhelmed as part of our regular sessions. Using experiential techniques is always available for deeper understanding. $160 per 50 minute session. $195for 90 minutes experiential session. Cost increase (December 2024 $165 individuals.) Cost is $195 for 60

Minutes couples therapy ($210 from January 2025)

Evening and weekend appointments available.

Couples Therapy

I look at the dynamics between you and your partner, exploring how these patterns have come to be.  We establish what it is that you want in your relationship and determine what brings positive repair to your relationship.  Exploring how to communicate open and honestly in a way that feels good for both of you and how to fight and repair.  So you feel the sparkle that brought you together. Betrayal work available. Parent /Adult child repair work and Sex Therapy.

Initial sessions run for 60 or 90 minutes and generally subsequent sessions are 60 minutes in length. $195 per session ($210

from 2025)

Single-Session Therapy

I can offer a one-off, one-issue focused appointment, that can normally be set up within 48 hours of a call , even on a Sunday. Single-session counselling can provide the emotional support, feedback and ideas on how to navigate an issue that has just cropped up. In one session we aim to make a positive movement in your life. Each session is treated like a distinct episode, with no expectation that you come back for a subsequent session. A 50 minute session followed up with a call for 15 minutes after one week. $200


I am warm, humorous and down to earth. I love tea because of its fragrant warming effect and its memories in my life.


Learn about Rewind Technique

Trauma processing

  • Using the brains natural ability to separate and relax, to help past events feel safer and further away Rewind, allows a client to process a difficult memory calmly with the guiding narrative that the incident is no longer happening.

  • Within an already established therapeutic relationship, a tailor made relaxation practice of about 30 minutes will help you to distance yourself from past anxieties.

  • After the deep relaxation many clients feel refreshed and relaxed, the old difficult memory feels further away and many can think about the traumatic event without feeling the old feelings.

NIHB registered first nations mental health